Monday, September 10, 2007

How to view answers at experts-exchange

Most of the times when you are searching for some answer on google or some other search engine then at the top of search results is . Then you jump to this site to know the answer and find that you need to be paid subsciber to see the answer.
Well, a workaround to see the answers without subscribing to it is mentioned below:

If the google search lists experts-exchange as the site with answer. Open the page provided by google. Move to the solutions part where it will be showing the blurred, crypted text. Find a keyword like author name which you could use for unique searching.
Do CTRL V and press C or ( View->Source in IE). This will show the html code for the page. Find that word and below that you will find meaningless english words. Copy them. Open another IE window and search for ROT-13 converter(one is at

Copy the text there and press convert and hurray, see the answer.

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